A.I. promotes diverse, creative, critical and out-of-the-box thinking within organizations

-> And that is exactly what we miss according to scientific advice to our current education system.

The idea that Robotics and / or A.I. only will replace the people on the work floor (operational core, operational level) has always been refuted by me. I now see around me more and more people follow my reasoning.
For years now, I am saying replacement of human labor will take place through all layers in the organizations. It will take place and will continue to take place on functions where linear thinking people work.

Because our economy has narrowed further and further towards a linear economy, there are linear thinkers at the executive, tactical and strategic levels.

Necessary replacement at strategic level by A.I. will become a battle with a lot of resistance, because the decision makers are not eager to replace themselves with A.I.
The employees who are currently the easiest to replace are likely to be on a tactical and executive level and have a large linear talent. Because A.I. associates easy with technology, the technical / ICT sector will be the lowest threshold.

I was confirmed in this paper that says there will be no more software developers in 2040.

The year is absurd and not real. I see this happening at least in 2022. That is probably because I have worked with talented software developers more often. The best developer has a large linear talent. He can focus well on one task and deviating from it or being disturbed by unexpected things is disastrous. I have seen many keyboard frustrated being smashed on a table. Among these developers are many in the autistic spectrum.
With these characteristics it is very difficult to work in a rapidly changing world. Unexpected questions during presentations lead to panic and despair and total confusion. In the presence of someone hierarchically placed higher person in the organization, they become “followers”.
In principle, these developers make the most efficient use of their talent when they receive and execute orders, are framed and shielded from external influences and impulses. In addition to all this inconvenience, we also have the costs and risks. A real good developer charges an hourly rate of € 100 euros. Before you have good working software, you will be spending € 10,000 on executive development hours and you have not yet included your own (relationship-, project-, change- and account- management hours)

Software owes its raison d’être to the fact that there are products (hardware: TV, computer, hospital equipment, etc.) that can only take action if they are controlled by code (small tasks programmed in tandem = software). These products are supportive to the convenience for and the desire of human.

What we need now and later in organizations, around 2022, is a “translator” from customer wish to product, with understanding of software. This translator has great empathy, asks the right questions and is creative. Is not sensitive to hierarchy, thinks outside the box and can quickly switch in the dynamic and changeable environment.


This is the circular thinker.

More about linear and circular thinking? I recommend this book.