Linear thinking journalists are narrowing the news

The role of journalists in our media landscape. The role of journalists is discussed in the attached interview. Journalists are trained professionals. Where and how can they be at value? Yesterday I watched some opinions on the Washington Post live. Including this interview:

It is stated that there are a number of reasons why current journalists can’t or don’t accurately represent the news.

  1. There has been a lot of cutbacks in news organizations, so there are fewer people to write the news. This problem also occurs in the Netherlands (even a deciannia ago I worked in the newspaper world)
  2. Partly due to the development of technology, news comes from lots of recources to people and journalists. Assumption and copy-past behavior is lurking.
  3. The previous presidents gave audited news at appropriate times, Trump makes news all day long thanks to social media, and news organizations are not flexible enough to effectively dela with the news. They are on a lot of pressure.
  4. Journalists are less fysical present in the country, both nationally and locally. There is also a lack of local journalism, which means that local interests are not covered.
  5. Journalists must learn to listen again instead of sending. They can’t share their own opinion.

If I describe the core here, the journalistic landscape has developed itself increasingly into sophisticated linear thinking journalists. And that fits perfectly with the current human linear development of the brain.
