Drugs in microdoses as tertiary working conditions for linear human beings.

It has been happening for generations. Education, science, politics are becoming increasingly linear. As a result (nurture), our brain’s composition (literally!) Less creativity, self-awareness, sense of responsibility and diversity, less social.

The inequality is getting bigger. Between, for example, poorer and richer, whiter and blacker, men and women. Humans become more linear, regardless of skin color, gender, (highly-or low-) education.

I wrote many articles and books about this evolution in the brain, of which “Linear and circular thinking” gives a direct description, cause and solution on these issues.

Today, I remembered the developments that take place in Sillicon Valley. In addition to the “men” culture, where women find it hard to function on the monkey rock, fast-growing startups are the result of linear thinkers. The employees do not think different and there is a fast but not sustainable innovation. This culture is difficult to break through the hierarchical structure with all its consequences. Linear is ending.

In every new generation there is strengthening of this linear thinking taking place. Because we evolve as a human being and this linear thinking is the consequence. We see it in China the most, The USA is following and in the Netherlands we also recognize the symptoms better. It is called Right politics, nationalism, fear (for migrants and terrorism), the division between poor-rich, division between high and low-skilled.

The Netherlands, after Sillicon Valley, follows a new very shocking development. Millennails use massive drugs to compensate for the lack of creativity, sharpness, social behavior. These millennials have gone through this brain evolution, the changes that takes place every generation in the brain (literally! Gray and white mass) and causes a lack of circular thinking.

Is this the solution? Are we using microscopes of LSD or mushrooms as tertiary terms of employment as an addition to our linear brain? For millennials or others who notice that they lack creativity, social behavior and sharpness, there are already microdose manuals.

LSD does exactly what happens less in linear people. Connections with white brain mass.

I prefer the solution to this problem in the components described in my book.